The New Drama Theatre staged a new play after the story of A. I. Kuprin “The White Poodle”. It was devised by the artistic director of the theatre, Vyacheslav Dolgachev, who unlike many directors of “adult theatres” thinks than the audience should be adopted and educated from the early age. “The White Poodle” is an unusual performance. It was inspired by requests of the director’s grandchildren who wanted to see this story on the stage after he had read it them at bedtime.
The characters are made very visual and outward in their appearance, sometimes even more so, considering the children’s perception, and it makes possible to underline the contrast between the children: kind and hard working Sergei who wants to be a circus artist, and spoiled master’s son Kolya.
The excellent cast is another peculiar feature of “The White Poodle”. The major actors are Evgeny Rubin (Sergei) and Alexey Spirin (poodle Arto) – very plastic and dramatically gifted – and also experienced Dmitry Shilyaev (the old Organ-grinder).
I think than the silence during the performance and rousing cheers after each scene are the highest award of the most demanding grateful and audience: children.
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