Дата премьеры: October 5, 2002
Продолжительность спектакля: 2 hours 10 minutes (without intermission)
The "Twelve Angry Men" by American playwright Reginald Rose met the eyes of intellectuals from the very outset. He was the first to peek behind the door with «No Admittance» sign where the jury discuss their opinions before delivering the judgment.
A young man is charged with murder. All the evidences prove his guilt. Only the jury can sign an indictment of capital punishment...
Why is it so relevant and meaningful to us today? Because it is the play about modern us. Because the questions of personal responsibility are so impending and pushing to the edge all of us, the experienced and inexperienced, the strong ones and the weak ones, the married and single, the healthy and not so healthy...
The regular and usual talk about caring in general all of a sudden turns into the detective fight for the life of a still living person. This stern battle is not so safe for the twelve decision-makers themselves.
Closed in a room after the court session, they don’t know yet that this room will became a cross between the Purgatory and The Last Judgment for themselves...
The performance was staged at the International Renewal ARTS forum in Bern, Switzerland (2004), as a part of the first Festival of Moscow Theatres in Ukraine.
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