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Brother Alyosha (16+)

The play after “The Brothers Karamazov” novel by F. M. Dostoyevsky 

  • Author: Viktor ROZOV
  • Director: Tatiana ROZOVA
  • Artistic Designer: Ekaterina KUZNETSOVA

Дата премьеры: November 20, 2014

Продолжительность спектакля: 2 hours 15 minutes

О спектакле

Brother Alyosha, the youngest among Karamazov brothers, seeking the way out of the deadlock of human strains, comes to a clear and so indispensable idea to “go hand in hand, hand in hand, hand in hand”, that is lost in our modern life (but may be not forever?). Viktor Rozov in his play brings back this idea to us, leading his boys and girls through the tragical hardships, gathering all at the big stone to make a vow not to wander from this path – hand in hand.

“To swim in the ocean of events and passions of The Brothers Karamazov is a bliss”, wrote Viktor Rozov, but he thought it enough to show only one motive of the novel at the stage, including the first kiss, the death, the salvation and the temptation... “But anyway, hurray for the life! Hurray!” cries brother Alyosha. The wonderful playwright is right. The one Dostoyevsky's motive is enough to generate compassion and reflection in the modern spectator.