Дата премьеры: February 1, 2013
Продолжительность спектакля: 2 hours
The performances after the plays of different classics dedicated to this seducer and blasphemer were always in abundance in theatre repertories, and they are numerous on Moscow stages today. What is the reason, why Don Juan is so interesting? What is the nature of his sins and vices? Is it probably a kind of revenge to the society devoid of ideals, that made him morally cripple? This is the exact question concerning Don Juan of great Moliere.
So the young immoral aristocrat Don Juan after innumerable love affairs throws aside all restraint, he is getting more and more dangerous and misanthropic. He doesn’t only court the damsels but also becomes an enemy to the mere framework of all social relations; he spit’s upon his son’s duty, he mocks the virtues, he lies recklessly, he displays hypocrisy, he commits blasphemy and even commits the murder. But sometimes, as strange as it might be, he attracts sympathy rather than protest. What is the secret of the most famous Moliere’s character?
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