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Let’s Catch Up With the Sun (6+)

  • Author: Ivan SHMELYOV
  • Artistic Director: Vyacheslav DOLGACHEV
  • Assistent Director: Narkas ISKANDAROVA
  • Artistic Designer: Mariya UTROBINA
  • Choreographer: Anna MELOVATSKAYA
  • Lighting Designer: Aivar SALIKHOV

Дата премьеры: February 17, 2007

Продолжительность спектакля: 1 hour 30 minutes

О спектакле

The story of a little crane who flied with his flock «to catch up with the sun» and to get to the warm countries, but was shot by people and captured, is very touching and kind. It is very useful to watch it for the adult audience as well as for the children in order to think time and again about our irresponsible attitude towards Nature, towards all the living creatures. You need to understand that the people often deprive themselves of all the nice things and wonders of the life: the fragrance of flowers, the singing of the birds, the starry night...

The Nature in this fairy tale is a living creature too, it cries, it feels pain, it chokes and it dies, and it desperately calls out for help, addressing the Sun, because it knows that the people are not going to help...
